Sunday, December 16, 2007

Effects of global warming

There are many and various effects of global warming on human life and the environment. The primary effects of global warming are increasing average temperatures and Carbon dioxide rates and there are other secondary which will discussed in the next part.
Impacts on human health:
Human health is dependent on good environment .many of the factors that lead to a deteriorated environment also lead to poor health, such as pollution, inadequate water supplies and poor soil. Humans can adapt themselves to different conditions but sometimes extreme conditions are not tolerable. The main direct effect of climate on human themselves will be heat stress in extreme high temperatures that will become more frequent. Studies using data from large cities where heat waves commonly occur show death rates which can be doubled or tripled during days of unusual temperature. For example, Global warming causes extreme heat waves which caused in 2003 more than 20,000 deaths in Europe and more than 1,500 in India.
A further likely impact of climate change on health is the increased spreading in a warmer world. Many insect carriers of disease thrive better in warmer and wetter conditions. For instance, epidemics diseases such as malaria which carried by mosquitoes that live in wet, hot conditions.


Abdullah Al-Jaberi said...

do u think that global warming will affect humans in other ways... like physically ?

H00026178 said...

i think they will have many physical problems ... like losing a hand or leg or having one or two more :P